Celine Macadam Vanity Box



Celine Macadam Vanity Box #vtceline Material: leather H8.5cm × W16cm x D9cm Accessories: Long chain strap/ leather strap ................................. Celine 老花Vanity Box ~ 一直都係極多美美想尋找的款式 近年一再升價 絕對係早買早享受 今次呢個好特別 除左手柄位有鏈帶點綴 仲可以隨意加肩帶 細細個夠的骰 但又裝到出街3寶 內外極新淨 勁易carry 做手挽或加長鏈帶/皮帶揹上身靚爆~ 喜歡的一定不要錯過✨ The most representative Celine Macadam that you can’t miss! Attractive and beautiful and in perfect condition!! ................................. ♥️IG inbox / WhatsApp for more details ♥️貨品全經日本認可古物商認證 ♥️所有相片均店主實物拍攝 ♥️本店與品牌無合作關係 ♥️所有商標及版權皆屬圖中品牌所擁有 ♥️Ship worldwide
