*𝑵𝑬𝑾* Cartier Leather Bi-folded wallet



*𝑵𝑬𝑾* Cartier Leather Bi-folded wallet H10cm x L10m x D2.5cm Material: leather Accessories: Original Box, Guarantee card Color: Burgundy ................................. 𝑪𝒂𝒓𝒕𝒊𝒆𝒓 隻酒紅色真係好靚🥺🥺 未使用展示品 齊全套連盒及卡 有齊散銀位,4個卡位同紙幣位 送禮自用都得♥️ Totally new and beautiful! The perfect burgundy colour and very useful include coin case and card gives overall an attractive combination. ................................. ♥️IG inbox / WhatsApp for more details ♥️貨品全經日本認可古物商認證 ♥️所有相片均店主實物拍攝 ♥️本店與品牌無合作關係 ♥️所有商標及版權皆屬圖中品牌所擁有 ♥️Ship worldwide Disclaimer 💗 All copyrights are reserved to the original brand holders. Vtgoodiesoldies sells only authentic goods.
