*𝑁𝐸𝑊* YSL clutch bag/ shoulder



Material: leather H18cm x W26cm x D5cm Color: Black Accessories: Original Box, Original Dust Bag, product tag -未使用儲存品- ................................. 店主大愛愛的款式🥰 第一眼已經即入手 未使用儲存品🌟 大全套的全新品~ 純黑色簡約得黎卻有大大隻logo 襯托 超易襯衫又搶眼的喔💗 內有一拉鍊隔 容量大 裝野很實用 已配短肩帶可上膊♥️ 可按需要再加長皮帶/鏈帶做crossbody~ Rare and beautiful, totally new, with attractive YSL logo, love at first sight💕 ................................. ♥️IG inbox / WhatsApp for more details ♥️貨品全經日本認可古物商認證 ♥️所有相片均店主實物拍攝 ♥️本店與品牌無合作關係 ♥️所有商標及版權皆屬圖中品牌所擁有 ♥️Ship worldwide Disclaimer 💗 All copyrights are reserved to the original brand holders. Vtgoodiesoldies sells only authentic goods.

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